Multiple Target Texts by Category

SEEL Target Texts

Bugs in Mugs and Slugs in a Jug

Some bugs go looking for mugs.
Some slugs go looking for jugs.
The bugs see mugs, and the slugs see a jug.
The bugs tug and lug their mugs to a rug.
But the slugs can’t tug or lug their jug.
So, the bugs help the slugs get a plug out of the jug 
    and the water goes: “GLUG, GLUG, GLUG.”
Now the slugs can tug and lug the jug to the rug.
And the slugs can get snug in their jug on the rug.
And the bugs can get snug in their mugs on the rug.

Meet My Bug

Do you want to meet my bug?
If you do say, “Hi, bug!”
This is my bug.
Do you want to give my bug a hug?
If you do say, “Hug bug!”
Hug my bug.
Do you want to make my bug snug?
If you do say, “Snug bug!”
Do you want to make my bug snug in the mug? No!
Do you want to make my bug snug in the jug? No!
Do you want to make my bug snug on the rug? Yes!
Put my bug on the rug.
Let my bug get snug. 
Now give my bug on the rug a hug.
What a cute little snug bug! 
(Variation: Give each child a tissue to use as rug and have the children pretend their thumb is a bug. Have the children start with the bug hidden behind their backs and have them act out the text as you read it together.) 

We Dug Up a Bug

We dug up a bug and put the bug in a mug.
And we put the mug with the bug on the rug.
We saw a slug and put the slug in a jug.
And we put the jug with the slug on the rug.
Then Mom saw the mug and the jug on the rug.
“Ug! There is a mug with a bug and a jug with a slug on the rug!”
So, we took the mug and the jug outside. 
We let the bug out of the mug.  
And we let the slug out of the jug.
Good-bye, bug!
Good-bye, slug!

A Bug in a Mug and Slugs on a Jug

A bug got in a mug.
Let the bug get snug in the mug. 
Let’s give the bug a tug in the mug.
Tug! Tug! Tug!
Tug the bug in the mug to the rug!
A slug sat on a jug.
Let’s get the slug on the jug to a rug.
Tug the jug and the slug to the rug.
Tug! Tug! Tug!
Let the slug get snug on the rug.
The bug and the slug are snug on a rug. 
The slug gets snug on the jug on the rug.
And the bug gets snug in the mug on the rug.

A Bug and a Slug Tug a Mug and a Jug

A bug is not big.
But the slug can help the bug.
The bug and the slug can tug the mug to a rug.
A slug is not big.
But the bug can help the slug.
The slug and the bug can tug the jug to a rug.
Tug, slug! Tug, bug!
Tug the jug to the rug.
Now the slug can get snug on the jug on the rug.
Tug, bug! Tug, slug!
Tug the mug to the rug.
Now the bug can get snug in the mug on the rug.

Tug! Tug!

Tug! Tug!
Tug a rug!
A bug can tug a rug.

Tug! Tug!
Tug a mug!
Tug a mug with a bug.

Tug! Tug!
Tug a jug!
Tug a jug with a bug.

Tug! Tug!
Tug a slug!
Tug a slug with a bug.

Tug! Tug! 
Tug a pug!
Tug a pug with a bug.