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Peter Jacob Rich

Peter Jacob Rich


Dept Chair, Inst Pysh & Tech



Contact Information

Office: 150K MCKB

Phone: 801-422-1171



I served an LDS mission to Curitiba, Brazil from 1997-1999. After returning from my mission, I pursued a bachelor's degree in Spanish, with a minor in TESOL. Following a semester teaching adult literacy in rural Mexico, I married my sweetheart, Paulina Alejandra, a Chilean I met while studying at BYU. I worked with BYU and the Provo School district creating instructional materials and soon pursued a degree in Instructional Technology at the University of Georgia. Since 2007, I have been with the BYU IP&T faculty and have thoroughly enjoyed it and the students we get to work with.

As a faculty member, I have been able to pursue my interests in better understanding how people learn, the design and development of instructional materials, and teaching children how to program and to think like engineers. I do this through helping children to create games, which encourages learning through design, a pedagogical approach I have found to be effective in creating lasting memory, retention, and interest.

Technology Integration (IP&T 372)
Instructional Design (IP&T 564, IP&T 664),
Instructional Product Development (IP&T 560; IP&T 660; IP&T 760R; IP&T 515R, 002)
Educational Psychology (formerly IP&T 301, IP&T 420)
Applied Creativity (IP&T 692R)

I have several different research interests that I have pursued throughout my career.


  • Computational Thinking

    I am currently working on understanding and promoting computational thinking in K-8 education. This is founded in work I've done with Convergent Cognition, a theory that examines how learning two complementary subjects leads to a stronger foundation of knowledge. Currently, I work with elementary school teachers to enable them to teach programming and engineering concepts to children.

  • Games in learning

    One of the ways we have encourage kids to learn to program is through the development of games. Learning by design is an effective pedagogy and we have found the context to be motivating for many students. As we have worked with games, my interest and work with learning games has increased to the point where I am now mentoring graduate students in the design and development of learning games and collaborating with colleagues on course gamification.

  • If you are interested in working with me on any of these projects, please contact me at


For the first several years, I worked with Video Annotation Tools to better understand how to improve teaching through video self-analysis. This work culminated in an edited book about video analysis in teacher education that brings together leading scholars and their research in this area.

Game-based design and learning,

  • CTETE Outstanding Research Publication Award — 2023
    • Sponsor: ITEEA Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education.
    • The Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education (CTETE) sponsors an annual award for outstanding scholarly research in the field of Technology and Engineering Teacher Education. This award is presented to a member or members of the CTETE who have provided significant service to the profession through the publication of research and related scholarship in the preparation of Technology and Engineering Education teachers or enhancement of professional practice in technology education.
  • Outstanding Sponsored Accepted Proposaal — 2019
    • Sponsor: Association for Educational Communications & Technology. Research and Theory Division
    • Rich, P. J., Egan, G. J., & Ellsworth, J. (2019). Improving computational thinking skills through coding education in grades 4-6. Presentation at the annual meeting for the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Las Vegas, NV.
  • 2015 Outstanding Journal Article — 2015
    • Sponsor: Research and Theory Division of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology
    • Annual award recognizing a published journal article that has a significant or meaningful impact on the direction and thinking of AECT's professional community. Award was provided to Richard E. West and Peter J. Rich for their article, “Rigor, Impact and Prestige: A Proposed Framework for Evaluating Scholarly Publications” Published in Innovative Higher Education.
  • AECT Pacificorp Design & Development Competition — 2015
    • Sponsor: Design & Development Division of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology
    • The annual Pacificorp Design & Development competition pairs two Instructional Design students from another university with a mentor. There are 3 phases to the competition throughout the year and the top-3 teams are invited to present at the annual competition. I was the mentor for one of the top-3 teams this year.
  • MED Best Paper in Management Education Award — 2015
    • Sponsor: OBTS and the Journal of Management Education
    • Annual award given for "The Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Gamification Platform for Business Education." Awarded to Jared R. Chapman, Utah Valley U.; Peter Rich, Brigham Young U.
  • Pacificorp Design & Development Competition — 2014
    • Sponsor: Pacificorp
    • The annual Pacificorp Design & Development competition pairs two Instructional Design students from another university with a mentor. There are 3 phases to the competition throughout the year and the top-3 teams are invited to present at the annual competition. I was the mentor for one of the top-3 teams this year.

High School Biology Teachers’ Integration of Computational Thinking into Data Practices to Support Student Investigations


Publisher: Wiley

Volume: 60

Issue: 6


Pages: 1353-1384

Journal: Journal of Research in Science Teaching

Date: 2022

Science Practices Innovation Notebook (SPIN): Cultivating Data Practice Skills through Computational Thinking and Self-Regulated Learning

Publisher: IGI Global

Editors: Sumreen Asim, Joshua Ellis, David Slykhuis, Jason Trumble

City: Hershey, Pennsylvannia

Country: USA

Journal: Theoretical and Practical Teaching Strategies for K-12 Science Education in the Digital Age

Date: 2022

High School Science Teacher Use of Planning Tools to Integrate Computational Thinking


Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Volume: 33

Issue: 6


Journal: Journal of Science Teacher Education

Date: 2021


A Systematic Review of “Hour of Code” Research


Publisher: Taylor and Francis

City: Milton Park, Oksfordshire

Country: United Kingdom


Pages: 1-33

Journal: Computer Science Education

Date: 2021

ISSN: 1744-5175


Expecting the unexpected: A collaborative autoethnography of instructors’ experiences teaching advanced instructional design

Publisher: Springer

Volume: 66

Issue: 1

Pages: 90-101

Journal: TechTrends

Date: 2021

Measuring the Effect of Continuous Professional Development on Elementary Teachers’ Self-Efficacy to Teach Coding and Computational Thinking

Publisher: Elsevier

Journal: Computers & Education

Date: 2021

ISSN: 0360-1315


The Ecology of Study Abroad for Language Learning: Synthesis and Interdisciplinary Insights

Publisher: Berkley Language Center

City: California

Country: United States

Volume: 13

Issue: 1

Journal: L2 Journal

Date: 2021

ISSN: 1945-0222


Measuring Teacher Beliefs About Coding and Computational Thinking

Publisher: ISTE

Volume: 53

Issue: 3

Pages: 296-316

Journal: Journal of Research on Technology in Education

Date: 2020

ISSN: 1945-0818

Development and analysis of the elementary student coding attitudes survey


Publisher: Elsevier

Volume: in press


Journal: Computers & Education

Date: 2020

ISSN: 0360-1315

Navigating worlds of significance: How design critiques matter to studio participants


Publisher: University of Minnesota Publishing

Editors: Zollinger, S. W., & Nyboer, J.


Journal: Effective design critique strategies across disciplines

Date: 2020

Using computational thinking for data practices in high school science

Publisher: National Science Teachers Association

Volume: 87

Issue: 6

Pages: 30-36

Journal: The Science Teacher

Date: 2019

ISSN: 0036-8555

Coding in K-8: International Trends in Teaching Elementary/Primary Computing

Publisher: Springer

Journal: TechTrends

Date: 2018


Enablers and Inhibitors to Integrating Computing and Engineering Lessons in Elementary Education


Publisher: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education

Country: USA

Volume: in press

Issue: 26 (3)


Pages: 437-469

Journal: Journal of Technology and Teacher Education

Date: 2018

ISSN: 1059-7069


Using educational technologies to scaffold high school and college students' skill and will to learn to learn better


Publisher: Nova Science Publisher

Editors: Lijia Lin, Robert K. Atkinson


Journal: Educational Technologies: Challenges, Applications, and Learning Outcomes

Date: 2016

ISBN: 978-1-63485-738-3

Understanding the use of video analysis tools to facilitate reflection among pre-service teachers

Publisher: Elsevier

Country: Great Britian

Journal: Teaching and Teacher Education

Date: 2012


Convergent cognition

Publisher: Springer

Country: Netherlands

Volume: 41

Pages: 431-453


Date: 2012

The Influence of Teaching Programming on Learning Mathematics

Publisher: AACE

Journal: SITE--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education

Date: 2012

Using video to analyze one's own teaching


Publisher: Blackwell

Editors: Nick Rushby

Country: Great Britain

Volume: in press


Journal: British Journal of Educational Technology

Date: 2011


Inside the black box: Revealing the process in applying a grounded theory analysis


Publisher: Nova Southeastern University

Editors: Ronald J. Chenail, Ph.D., Sally St. George, Ph.D., Dan Wulff, Ph.D., Maureen Duffy, Ph.D., Laurie L. Charles, Ph.D., Karen Wilson Scott, Ph.D., and Robin Cooper, Ph.D., Editors Laura Patron, Managing Editor

City: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Country: USA

Volume: in press


Journal: The Qualitative Report

Date: 2011

How programming fits with technology education curriculum


Publisher: ITEEA

Editors: Katie de la Paz

City: Reston, VA

Country: USA

Volume: 71

Issue: 7


Pages: 3-9

Journal: Technology and engineering teacher

Date: 2011


Beyond Transcription: Technology, Change, and Refinement of Method


Editors: Katja Mruck

Country: Berlin

Volume: 12

Issue: 3


Pages: Article 21

Journal: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research

Date: 2011

ISSN: 1438-5627


Scaffolded video self-analysis: Discrepancies between preservice teachers' perceived and actual instructional decisions

Volume: 2009

Issue: 21

Pages: 128-145

Journal: Journal of Computing in Higher Education

Date: 2009


Video annotation tools: Technologies to scaffold, structure, and transform teacher reflection

Volume: 60

Issue: 1

Pages: 52-67

Journal: Journal of Teacher Education

Date: 2009


Ten essential questions educators should ask when using video annotation tools

Publisher: Springer

Editors: Abbey Brown

Volume: 55

Issue: 6

Pages: 16-24

Journal: TechTrends


Using online technologies to extend a classroom to learners at a distance

Volume: 31

Issue: 1

Pages: 77-92

Journal: American Journal of Distance Education

Guerrilla video. A new protocol for producing classroom video.

Volume: 50

Issue: 1

Pages: 4-7

Journal: Educational Technology

Does educational gamification improve students’ motivation? If so, which game elements work best?


Publisher: Taylor & Francis


Journal: Journal of Education for Business

New technologies, new approaches to evaluating academic productivity

Publisher: Educational Technology Publications

Editors: Larry Lipsitz

Volume: 52

Issue: 6

Journal: Educational Technology

The influence of video analysis on the process of change

Volume: 28

Issue: 5

Pages: 728-739

Journal: Teaching and Teacher Education

Convergent cognition

Journal: Instructional Science

Innovating How We Teach Collaborative Design Through Studio-based Pedagogy

Volume: 39

Pages: 147-163

Journal: Yearbook of Educational Media and Technology Yearbook

Benefits, challenges, and perceptions of the multiple article dissertation format in instructional technology.


Volume: 32

Issue: 2


Pages: 82-98

Journal: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology

Computing and engineering in elementary school: The Effect of year-long training on elementary teacher self-efficacy and beliefs about teaching computing and engineering


Volume: 1

Issue: 1


Journal: International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools


Emerging Research, Practice and Policy on Computational thinking

Publisher: Springer

Editors: Peter J. Rich, Charles Hodges

ISBN: 978-3-319-52691-1

Describing Spiritual Growth in an Online Religious Education Course

Volume: 27

Issue: 1

Pages: 56-75

Journal: Journal of Research on Christian Education

ISSN: 0883-2323

The Perceived Value of Informal, Peer Critique in the Instructional Design Studio

Publisher: Springer

Volume: 63

Issue: 2

Pages: 149-159

Journal: TechTrends

"It's So Wonderful Having Different Majors Working Together": The Development of an Interdisciplinary Design Thinking Minor

Publisher: Association for Educational Communications and Technology

Volume: 63

Issue: 4

Pages: 440-450

Journal: TechTrends

Using Dr. Scratch as a formative feedback tool to assess computational thinking


Publisher: IGI Global

Editors: S. Keengwe & P. Wachira


Pages: 220-242

Journal: Handbook of Research on Integrating Computational Thinking

Preparing elementary school teachers to teach computing, coding, and computational thinking.

Publisher: AACE

Volume: 19

Issue: 4

Journal: Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education

Trends in formal computer science education in secondary classrooms in the United States

Publisher: Sage

City: Thousand Oaks, CA

Country: USA

Journal: Journal of Educational Computing Research