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Todd  Pennington

Todd Pennington


Associate Professor



Contact Information

Office: 249E SFH

Phone: 801-422-2335


I was born in Los Angeles and primarily raised in El Cajon, Ca. Attended BYU right out of high school and after three semesters served a mission to Cleveland Ohio. I received a my bachelors degree from BYU, masters degree from University of Utah, and my Phd from Virginia Tech. I have 3 amazing children, Carson, 19 a freshman at BYU, Bennett, 15, and Riley-Ann, 13.

  • Nancy Peery Marriott Excellenct in Teaching — 2019
    • Sponsor: McKay Schoool of Education (Brigham Young University)
    • The McKay School of Education recognizes one faculty member each academic year for their outstanding contribution in the area of teaching through the generous sponsorship of Nancy Peery Marriott.
  • College Educator of the Year — 2015
    • Sponsor: Utah Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
  • Metzler-Freedman Exemplary Paper Award — 2010
    • Sponsor: Jouranl of Teaching in Physical Education
    • This award is given by the leading PETE research journal (Journal of Teaching in Physical Education). It recognizes one published study each year as the exemplary research paper for that academic year. The paper is titled, "Systemic Success in Physical Education: The East Valley Phenomenon".
  • Dr. G. Arthur Broten Young Scholar Recognition Award Recipient — 2003
    • Sponsor: Western College Physical Education Society

A Framework for Advocacy in Physical Education

Volume: 94

Issue: 2

Pages: 19-24

Journal: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance

Date: 2022

Attending to the emotional side of professional learning communities (PLCs) by cultivating positive team dynamics.

Volume: 94

Issue: 4

Pages: 21-25

Journal: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance

Date: 2022

Academic experiences of special admit college football athletes: Progress compared to general admits and perceptions of support services

Volume: 13

Issue: 2

Pages: 146170

Journal: Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education

Date: 2019


The Effects of Music on Physical Activity Rates of Junior High School Physical Education Students

Publisher: Sagamore

City: Urbana, Il

Country: USA

Journal: The Physical Educator

Date: 2015

Physical activity rates and motivational profiles of adolescents while keeping a daily leisure-time physical activity record

Publisher: Taylor and Francis, Routledge

Volume: 87

Issue: s2

Pages: A-55

Journal: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

Date: 2015

Relationships Between Health-Related Fitness Knowledge, Perceived Competence, Self-Determination, and Physical Activity Behaviors of High School Students

Journal: Journal of Teaching in Physical Education

Date: 2014

Triad relationships and member satisfaction with paired placement of student teachers


Publisher: Edith Cowan University

Editors: Susan Main

City: Perth, Australia

Country: Australia

Volume: 39

Issue: 8


Pages: 162-184

Journal: Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Date: 2014

Physical Education Central: A Possible Professional Development Tool

Publisher: Taylor and Francis, Routledge

Volume: 86

Issue: S2

Pages: A-125

Journal: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

Date: 2014

The Relationship Between Health-Related Fitness Knowledge and Physical Activity

Publisher: SHAPE America

City: Reston, VA

Country: U.S.A.

Volume: 85

Issue: s1

Pages: A-136

Journal: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

Date: 2013

PETE Students’ Perceptions of a Healthy and Active Lifestyle

Publisher: Sagamore Publishing

Editors: Thomas Sawyer

City: Urbana, IL

Country: U.S.A.

Volume: 71

Issue: 4

Pages: 644-659

Journal: The Physical Educator

Date: 2013

Adolescent Girls' Preferences Pertaining to Cardiovascular Fitness Testing: A Comparison Between the One-Mile Run and the PACER Tests

Publisher: Sagamore Publishing

Editors: William Stier

City: Urbana, IL

Country: U.S.A.

Volume: 69

Issue: 1

Pages: 52-70

Journal: The Physical Educator

Date: 2010

The effects of the type of skill test, choice, and gender on situational motivation of physical education students

Publisher: Human Kinetics

City: Champaign, IL

Country: USA

Volume: 30

Issue: 3

Pages: 281-295

Journal: Journal of Teaching in Physical Education

Date: 2010

Exploring Future Research in Physical Education: Espousing a Social Justice Perspective

Publisher: SHAPE America

City: Reston, VA

Country: United States

Volume: 90

Issue: 4

Pages: 440-451

Journal: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

PE Central: A possible online professional development tool.

Publisher: Sagamore Publishing LLC

Editors: Thomas Sawyer

City: Urbana, Illinois

Country: United States

Volume: 74

Issue: 3

Pages: 570-587

Journal: The Physical Educator

Academic experiences of special admit college football athletes: Progress compared to general admits and perceptions of support services

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

City: Abingdon, OX

Country: Unitied Kingdom

Volume: 13

Issue: 2

Pages: 146-170

Journal: Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education

Exploring the use of triad student teaching placements in physical education

Volume: 77

Issue: 3

Pages: 570-587

Journal: The Physical Educator

Teacher Motivation, Self-efficacy, and Burnout in a District Physical Education Program

Publisher: Human Kinetics

City: Champaign, IL

Country: USA

Journal: Journal of Teaching in Physical Education

Utilizing School-based, Professional Learning Communities to Enhance Physical Education Programs and Facilitate Systems Change

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

City: Cambridge, MA

Country: USA

Volume: 73

Issue: 3

Pages: 283-293

Journal: Quest

The Effects of Music in Physical Activity Rates of Junior High School Physical Education Students

Publisher: Human Kinetics

City: Champaign, IL

Country: USA

Journal: Jouranl of Physical Activity and Health

Local collective action: Introducing an action framework for enhancing school- and district- level advocacy in physical education.

Publisher: Taylor and Francis

City: Cambridge, MA

Country: USA

Volume: 73

Issue: 3

Pages: 294-305

Journal: Quest

Succeed Together or Fail Alone: Going from Good to Great in Physical Education

Publisher: Human Kinetics

City: Champaign, IL

Country: United States

Volume: 33

Pages: 28-52

Journal: Jornal of Teaching Physical Education

Pedometer Steps-per-minute, moderate intensity, and individual differences in 12-14 year old youth

Publisher: Human Kinetics

City: Champaign, IL

Country: USA

Volume: 8

Issue: 2

Pages: 272-278

Journal: Journal of Physical Activity and Health

Children’s perceptions of fitness self-testing, the purpose of fitness testing, and personal health

Publisher: Phi Epsilon Kappa

City: Indianapolis, Indiana

Country: USA

Volume: 68

Issue: 4

Pages: 175-187

Journal: The Physical Educator