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Shawn L. Nissen

Shawn L. Nissen


Associate Professor



Contact Information

Office: 128 TLRB

Phone: 801-422-5056


PhD The Ohio State University

MA The Ohio State University

BA Brigham Young University

ComD 331 - Clinical Phonetics
ComD 430 - Medical Speech Language Pathology
ComD 600 - Research Methods
ComD 634 - TBI/Cognitive Communication Disorders
ComD 676 - Aphasia

Speech Prosody in Autistic Individuals and People with Aphasia

Acoustic analysis of the professional voice

Second language acquisition & cross-linguistic communication

  • Karl G. Maeser Excellence in Teaching Award — 2023
    • Sponsor: Brigham Young University
  • The 2013 Nancy Peery Marriott Outstanding Teacher Award — 2013
    • Sponsor: McKay School of Education

Perceptual Ratings of Pronunciation for L2 Learners of English as a Function of Task Type, Word Position, and Listener Expertise

Publisher: Wiley

Pages: 1-18

Journal: International Journal of Applied Linguistics

Date: 2023

ISSN: 0802-6106

Physiological arousal, attentiveness, emotion, and word retrieval in aphasia: Effects and relationships

Publisher: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Volume: 32

Issue: 5S

Journal: American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

Date: 2023


Teaching non-native sound contrasts using visual biofeedback

Pages: 3673 - 3674

Journal: Interspeech 2023

Date: 2023

Do Students Make More Pronunciation Improvements Living in German Foreign Language Housing than Studying In Class?

Publisher: IALLT

Editors: Jennifer Bown and Dan Dewey

Journal: Language Learning in Foreign Language Houses

Date: 2019

Prosodic elements for content delivery in broadcast journalism: A quantitative study of vocal pitch

Publisher: Sage

Volume: 14

Issue: 2

Pages: 63-77

Date: 2019

Age-Related Changes in Speech and Voice: Spectral and Cepstral Measures

Journal: Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

Date: 2019

An Intensive Boot Camp Approach to the Remediation of Speech Sound Disorders: A Case Report

Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Volume: 22

Issue: 2

Pages: 51 -60

Journal: Speech, Language, and Hearing

Date: 2017

ISSN: 2050-571X

Speech Adaptation to Kinematic Recording Sensors: Perceptual and Acoustic Findings

Journal: Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

Date: 2017

Using Electropalatography in Second language Pronunciation Instruction: A Preliminary Examination of Voiceless German Fricatives

Journal: Proceedings of the Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference

Date: 2017

ISBN: 978-0-9926394-2-6

Nebulized isotonic saline improves voice production in Sjögren’s Syndrome


Publisher: Wiley

City: Indianapolis, Indiana

Country: USA


Journal: The Laryngoscope

Date: 2015

Teaching a phonetics course with a high student enrolment using a blended-learning format

Publisher: University College London

Pages: 63-66

Journal: Proceedings of the Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference

Date: 2015

ISBN: 978-0-9926394-1-9

Russian Palatalized and Unpalatalized Consonants: An Electropalatographic and Acoustic Analysis of Native Speaker and Learner Productions.

Publisher: Elsevier

City: Amsterdam

Country: Netherlands

Volume: 54

Pages: 98-108

Journal: Journal of Phonetics

Date: 2015

Voice, Speech, and Laryngeal Features of Primary Sjogren's Syndrome


Publisher: American Broncho-Esophagological Association

Editors: Richard J.H. Smith

City: St Lewis, MO

Country: USA

Volume: 123

Issue: 11


Pages: 778-785

Journal: Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology

Date: 2014

ISSN: ISSN 0003-4894


The Effect of Dialect on Speech Audiometry Testing

Publisher: American Speech and Hearing Association

Volume: 22

Pages: 233-240

Journal: American Journal of Audiology

Date: 2013

The effects of practice on the concurrent performance of a speech and postural task in persons with Parkinson disease and healthy controls

Publisher: Hindawi

Volume: 2013

Journal: Parkinson's Disease

The development of psychometrically equivalent Cantonese speech audiometry materials

Volume: 50

Pages: 191-201

Journal: International Journal of Audiology

Bidirectional interference between speech and postural stability in individuals with Parkinson?s disease

Volume: 12

Pages: 446-454

Journal: International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

Articulatory changes in muscle tension dysphonia: Evidence of vowel space expansion following manual circumlaryngeal therapy.

Volume: 42

Pages: 124-135

Journal: Journal of Communication Disorders

Acoustic and spectral patterns in young children's stop consonant productions.

Volume: 126

Pages: 1369-1378

Journal: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Mongolian speech audiometry materials.

City: Provo, UT: Brigham Young University.

Psychometrically equivalent Russian speech audiometry materials by male and female talkers.

Volume: 46

Pages: 47-66

Journal: International Journal of Audiology