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Royce Kimmons

Royce Kimmons


Associate Professor



Contact Information

Office: 150J MCKB

Phone: 801-422-7072



Dr. Kimmons is an Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University where he studies technology integration in K-12/higher education, open education, and social media.

Technology Integration
Educational Research
Open Education
Educational Software Development and Analytics

digital participation divides specifically in the realms of social media, open education, and classroom technology use

  • Annual Achievement Award — 2022
    • Sponsor: AECT
  • Early Career Scholarship Award — 2022
    • Sponsor: Brigham Young University
  • Scholarly Contribution to Teacher Education and Educational Technology Award — 2021
    • Sponsor: AECT
  • 2018 Outstanding Publication Award: Journal Article — 2018
    • Sponsor: Culture Learning & Technology
    • The journal publication "Public comment sentiment on educational videos: Understanding the effects of presenter gender, video format, threading, and moderation on YouTube TED talks" was found as most interesting and relevant to CLT, with high quality content, high anticipated impact to the field, and a high quality of writing style.
  • Early-Career Scholar Award — 2017
    • Sponsor: AERA TACTL SIG
    • Awarded by the American Education Research Association (AERA) Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning (TACTL) Special Interest Group for making "substantial scholarly contributions to the use of technology as an agent of change in inservice, preservice or teacher education."
  • ETR&D Editor-in-Chief's Certificate of Excellence — 2017
    • Sponsor: AECT
    • Awarded by the Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D) Research Board for providing "exemplary academic services ins support of the Educational Technology Research & Development Journal."
  • ETR&D Young Scholars Award — 2017
    • Sponsor: AECT
    • Awarded by the Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D) Research Board for "the best paper presented at the (AECT) convention discussing a theoretical construct that could guide research and/or development in educational technology." The awarded paper was "The PICRAT Model for Technology Integration in Teacher Preparation," which included Charles R. Graham and Richard E. West as co-authors.
  • Nancy Peery Marriott Outstanding Scholar Award — 2017
    • Sponsor: McKay School of Education
    • Chosen by the dean's office committee and awarded annually by the David O. McKay School of Education to a faculty member in the college for outstanding research.
  • AECT Annual Achievement Award — 2016
    • Sponsor: Association for Educational Communication & Technology
    • Awarded by the Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) for work with the Digital Learning and Social Media Research Group that is "making a significant contribution to the advancement of educational communications and technology." George Veletsianos was also awarded as a co-author.
  • OER Research Fellow — 2015–2016
    • Sponsor: Hewlett Foundation
  • AECT Best Conference Proposal — 2015
    • Sponsor: Association for Educational Communication & Technology
    • Voted best proposal (out of 104 submissions) for the Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), Teacher Education Division (TED), for the proposal "Theories that work: Pre-service and practicing teacher evaluations of technology integration models." Cassidy Hall was also awarded as a co-author.

Incremental improvements: Examining instructional changes and rationales of K-12 online teachers using the PICRAT and 4E frameworks


Volume: 30

Issue: 4


Pages: 431-459

Journal: Journal of Technology and Teacher Education

Date: 2023

"We are trying to communicate the best we can": Understanding districts’ communication on Twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic

Journal: AERA Open

Date: 2021

Temporal flexibility, gender, and online learning completion

Publisher: Routledge

Volume: 42

Issue: 1

Journal: Distance Education

Date: 2020

Motivations among special education students and their parents for switching to an online school: Survey responses and emergent themes

Volume: 25

Issue: 2

Pages: 171-189

Journal: Online Learning Journal

Date: 2020

The PICRAT model for technology integration in teacher preparation.


Volume: 20

Issue: 1


Pages: 176-198

Journal: Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education

Date: 2020

ISSN: 15285804


Faculty members' lived experiences with open educational resources



Journal: Open Praxis

Date: 2020

ISSN: 2304-070X

Examining a decade of research in online teacher professional development

Journal: Frontiers in Education

Date: 2020

ISSN: 2504-284X

Teacher identity and crossing the professional-personal divide on Twitter

Journal: Teaching and Teacher Education

Date: 2019

Accessibility in mind? A nationwide study of K-12 websites in the U.S.

Journal: First Monday

Date: 2019

Religious implications of social media in education

Volume: 46

Issue: 2

Journal: Religion & Education

Date: 2018

ISSN: 15507394

Mining social media divides: An analysis of K-12 U.S. school uses of Twitter

Journal: Learning, Media and Technology

Date: 2018

Scholars' temporal participation on, temporary disengagement from, and return to Twitter

Journal: First Monday

Date: 2018

Content is king: An analysis of how the Twitter discourse surrounding open education unfolded from 2009 to 2016

Journal: International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Date: 2017

ISSN: 14923831

Cultural and social issues in using social media to support learning

Publisher: Springer

Issue: 2nd

Journal: International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education

Date: 2017

Open educational resources

Journal: International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy

Date: 2017

Overcoming challenges to K-12 teacher adoption of open educational resources in the U.S.

Publisher: Athabasca University Press

Editors: Rory McGreal

Journal: OER2: Multiplying open educational resources for K-12 environments

Date: 2017

Scholarly identity in an increasingly open and digitally connected world

Publisher: IGI Global

City: Hershey, PA

Country: United States of America

Issue: Fourth Edition

Journal: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology

Date: 2017

Can I use this? Developing open literacies or understanding the basics and implications of copyright, fair use, and open licensing for e-learning

Publisher: Springer

Editors: A. A. Pia, V. Walker, & B. Harris

Journal: What the e-Learning Leader Needs to Know

Date: 2016

Twitter in education

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

Journal: The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy

Date: 2016

Social media use by instructional design departments

Journal: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology

Public internet data mining methods in instructional design, educational technology, and online learning research

Volume: 62

Issue: 5

Journal: TechTrends

Public comment sentiment on educational videos: Understanding the effects of presenter gender, video format, threading, and moderation on YouTube TED talk comments

Volume: 13

Issue: 6

Journal: PLoS ONE

ISSN: 19326203

Preparing Teacher Candidates for Transformative Digital Teaching and Learning Experiences: Case Studies from Teacher Preparation Programs

Journal: Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference

Effects of open textbook adoption on teachers' open practices.

Journal: International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

What (some) students are saying about the switch to remote teaching and learning

Journal: EDUCAUSE Review

The nationwide landscape of K-12 school websites in the United States: Systems, services, intended audiences, and adoption patterns

Volume: 20

Issue: 3

Journal: The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

ISSN: 14923831

Navigating paradigms in educational technology

Publisher: Springer

Volume: 63

Issue: 5

Journal: TechTrends

ISSN: 87563894

What (some) faculty are saying about the shift to remote teaching and learning

Journal: EDUCAUSE Review

Mattering is motivating: Special education students' experiences with an online charter school

Volume: 6

Issue: 3

Journal: Journal of Online Learning Research

Current trends (and missing links) in educational technology research and practice

Publisher: Springer

Volume: 64

Issue: 6

Journal: TechTrends

#RemoteTeaching & #RemoteLearning: Educator tweeting during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Volume: 28

Issue: 2

Journal: Journal of Technology and Teacher Education

Safeguarding student privacy in an age of analytics


Volume: 69


Pages: 343-345

Journal: Educational Technology Research and Development

Shifting to open education in our digital learning


Volume: 69


Pages: 379-381

Journal: Educational Technology Research & Development

Proctoring Software in Higher Ed: Prevalence and Patterns


Publisher: Educause


Journal: Educause Review

Trends in Education Technology: What Facebook, Twitter, and Scopus Can Tell us about Current Research and Practice


Volume: 65


Pages: 125-136

Journal: TechTrends

Recognizing and Overcoming Obstacles: What It Will Take to Realize the Potential of OER


Publisher: Educause


Journal: Educause Review

Sharing and self-promoting: An analysis of educator tweeting at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic



Journal: Computers & Education Open

A/B testing on open textbooks: A feasibility study for continuously improving open education resources


Volume: 10

Issue: 2


Journal: The Journal of Applied Instructional Design

How OER can support collaborative teacher learning to enact equitable teaching practices.

Journal: Journal of Multicultural Education


Trends and topics in educational technology, 2022 edition

Publisher: Springer

Volume: 66

Journal: TechTrends

ISSN: 1559-7075

Public comment sentiment of educational videos

Publisher: EdTech books

Journal: Public comment sentiment on educational videos