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Ramona Cutri

Ramona Cutri


Associate Professor



Ramona Maile Cutri received her Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles and is an associate professor of multicultural education in the department of Teacher Education at Brigham Young University. Dr. Cutri's passion for the areas of multicultural and bilingual education stems from her own experiences as a child of mixed ethnicities who grew up in poverty.

Dr. Cutri teaches courses in multicultural education.

Dr. Cutri’s research explores how to help engage pre-service teachers intellectually and emotionally in the dispositional and pedagogical issues related to critical multicultural education. She approaches this overarching topic from different perspectives including the integration of technology into teaching, how preservice teachers identify social privileges; the emotional work involved in multicultural teacher education; and unpacking cross-class identities.

Dr. Cutri’s current work contributes a criticality to research on eLearning and highlights the tensions between the culture of academia and the potential and demands of online teaching. Some of Dr. Cutri’s recent publications include:

Cutri, R. M., & Mena, J. (2020). A critical reconceptualization of faculty readiness for online teaching. Distance Education, 41(3), 361-380.

Cutri, R. M., Mena, J., & Whiting, E. F. (2020). Faculty readiness for online crisis teaching: transitioning to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Teacher Education, 43(4), 523-541.

Cutri, R. M., Whiting, E. F., & Bybee, E. R. (In Press, 2020). Knowledge Production and Power in an Online Critical Multicultural Teacher Education Course. Educational Studies, 1-14.

Whiting, E. F. & Cutri, R. M. (2019). Teacher Candidates’ Responses to Examining Personal Privilege: Nuanced understandings of the discourse of individualism in critical multicultural education. Frontiers In Education, 4:111. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2019.00111

Cutri, R.M., & Whiting, E.F. (2018). Opening Spaces for Teacher Educator Knowledge in a Faculty Development Program on Blended Learning Course Development. Studying Teacher Education: A Journal of Self Study of Teacher Education Practices, 14(2), 125–140.

Whiting, E. F., & Cutri, R. M. (2015). Naming a personal “unearned” privilege: What pre-service teachers identify after a critical multicultural education course.
Multicultural Perspectives, 17(1), 13-20.

Cutri, R. M., & Whiting, E. F. (2015). The emotional work of discomfort and vulnerability in multicultural teacher education. Teachers and Teaching, 21(8), 1010-1025.

Cutri, R.M., Manning, J.M., & Weight, C.S. (2012). Negotiating cross class identities while living a curriculum of moral education. Teachers College Record, 114(10), 1-36.

The emergence of teacher identity in elementary school

Publisher: Science Direct

Volume: 125

Issue: 104038

Journal: Teaching and Teacher Education

Date: 2023


Using narrative cycles to advance teacher educators’ emotional work and practice in an era of affective polarization

Volume: 19

Issue: 3

Journal: Studying Teacher Education

Date: 2022


Self-Studies of Teacher Education Practice Online: Theorizing Online Teacher Education Beyond Crisis

Publisher: Springer

Date: 2022

'Will it build me or break me?’: Student investment and agency in the emotional process of learning

Volume: 17

Issue: 1

Pages: 82-99

Journal: Studying Teacher Education

Date: 2020


I Think I’m the Bridge”: Exploring Mentored Undergraduate Research Experiences in Critical Multicultural Education

Volume: 23

Issue: 1

Pages: 22-46

Journal: International Journal of Multicultural Education

Date: 2020


Faculty readiness for online crisis teaching: Transitioning to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic

Volume: 43

Issue: 4

Pages: 523-541

Journal: European Journal of Teacher Education

Date: 2020


Examining a decade of research in online teacher professional development

Journal: Frontiers in Education

Date: 2020

ISSN: 2504-284X

Teacher Candidates’ Responses to Examining Personal Privilege: Nuanced understandings of the discourse of individualism in critical multicultural education.


Publisher: Frontiers

Volume: 4

Issue: 111


Journal: Frontiers in Teacher Education

Date: 2019


Knowledge Production and Power in an Online Critical Multicultural Teacher Education Course

Volume: 56

Issue: 1

Journal: Educational Studies

Date: 2019


Using self-study of teacher education practice methodology to navigate e-learning course development


Publisher: Auckland University

Editors: A. Ovens & D. Garbett

City: Auckland

Country: New Zealand


Pages: 179-186

Journal: Pushing boundaries and crossing borders: Self-study as a means for knowing pedagogy

Date: 2018

ISBN: 978-0-473-44471-6

Opening Spaces for Teacher Educator Knowledge in a Faculty Development Program on Blended Learning Course Development

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Editors: Tom Russell and Amanda Berry

City: Milton Park, Didcot, United Kingdom, Abingdon

Country: United Kingdom

Volume: 14

Issue: 2

Pages: 125140

Journal: Studying Teacher Education: A Journal of Self Study of Teacher Education Practices

Date: 2017


Everyday priorities of teachers of English learners in the U.S.: A narrative of experience.

Journal: Career Trajectories of English Teachers

Date: 2015

Section Introduction: Reimagining Support for Online Learners

Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Editors: M. F. Rice

Pages: 95-98

Journal: Exploring Pedagogies for Diverse Learners Online (Advances in Research on Teaching)

Date: 2015

The Emotional Work of Discomfort and Vulnerability in Multicultural Teacher Education

Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Editors: Christopher Day

Volume: 21

Issue: 8

Pages: 1010-1025

Journal: Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice

Date: 2014

Activating emotional and analytic engagement in blended learning: A multicultural teacher education example.


Publisher: Bank Street College

Editors: In H. Freidus, M. Welsh Kruger, S. Goss (Eds.),

City: New York

Volume: 34


Journal: Constructivists Online: Reimagining Progressive Practice, Banks Street College of Education Occasional Paper Series.

Date: 2014

Naming a Personal Unearned Privilege: What pre-service teachers say after a critical multicultural education course

Editors: Patricia Marshall, zlem Sensoy

Volume: 17

Issue: 8

Pages: 1-8

Journal: Multicultural Perspectives

Date: 2014

Exploring teacher educator identity through experiences of non-personhood

Country: New Zealand

Pages: 183-185

Journal: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference on Self-Study Teacher Education Practices [Herstmonceux Castle]

Date: 2014

Learning from experiences of non-personhood: A self- study of teacher education identities

Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group

Editors: Tom Russell

City: Abingdon

Country: UK

Volume: 11

Issue: 1

Pages: 16-31

Journal: Studying Teacher Education

Date: 2014


Poverty PhDs: Funds of knowledge, poverty, and professional identity development

Volume: 7

Issue: 3

Pages: 299-314

Journal: Studying Teacher Education: A Journal of Self Study of Teacher Education Practices

Date: 2010


Storied Ways of Approaching Diversity: Reconceptualizing a Blended Learning Environment in a Multicultural Teacher Education Cours

Publisher: Emerald Books

Editors: J. Kitchen, D. Ciuffetelli Parker, & D. Pusho

City: Bingley, UK

Pages: 195-216

Journal: Narrative inquiries into curriculum-making in teacher education

Date: 2010


Overcoming deficit theory toward English language learners: Technological possibilities.

Journal: Teacher Education Quarterly

Date: 2010


Expressions of ethnic identity in pre-adolescent Latino students: Implications for culturally relevant pedagogy


Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Editors: Roger Siee

Country: USA


Pages: DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2010.509816

Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education

Date: 2010


The multicultural education perspective

Publisher: Harris Video Cases

Editors: S. Pinnegar, R.C. Harris, A. Teemant, D.S. Baker, & P. Chan

City: Provo, UT

Journal: The inclusive pedagogy case: A video ethnography of professional development for inclusion of special populations in schooling

Integrating technology into a teacher education diversity course

Publisher: AACE

City: Chesapeake, VA

Pages: 317-318

Journal: Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2001

BEEDE: Foundations of bilingual education: Instructional guide

Publisher: CITES

City: Provo, UT

Journal: BEEDE: Foundations of bilingual education: Instructional guide

Peer collaboration as a way of developing effective pedagogy for including cultural, linguistic, and learning diversity

Publisher: Queen's University

City: Herst-monceux, England

Pages: 233-237

Journal: Exploring myths and legends of teacher education

Exploring the spiritual moral dimensions of teachers' classroom language policies

Publisher: Multilingual Matters Ltd.

Editors: J.K. Hall and W.G. Eggington

City: Clevedon, England

Pages: 165-177

Journal: The sociopolitics of English language teaching

The foundations of bilingual education: A video anchored course

Publisher: Brigham Young University

Editors: A. Teemant & S. Pinnegar

City: Provo, UT

Journal: Teaching English Language Learners (TELL) minor

First year Latino teacher

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 2-9

Journal: Multicultural Education

Moral Dimensions of Bilingual Education

Volume: 22

Issue: 1

Pages: 31-44

Journal: Bilingual Research Journal

An honorable sisterhood: Four diverse women identify a critical ethic of care

Volume: 9

Issue: 2

Pages: 100-117

Journal: Transformations: A Resource for Curriculum Transformation and Scholarship

Moral dimensions of bilingual education

Volume: 22

Pages: 31-44

Journal: Bilingual Research Journal

Pathways to teacher learning in multicultural contexts: A longitudinal case study of two novice bilingual teachers in urban schools

Volume: 19

Issue: 2

Pages: 70-90

Journal: Remedial and Special Education

Reform in teacher education through the CLAD/BCLAD policy

Pages: 11-15

Journal: Multicultural Education: The Magazine of the National Association for Multicultural Education

Knowledge Production and Power in an Online Critical Multicultural Teacher Education Course

Publisher: DIO PRess

Editors: Erin Mikulec & Tania Ramahlo

Journal: Best Practices in Teaching Critical Pedagogy Online

Interest convergence: A CRT interrogation of the intersection of higher education and online learning during a pandemic.

Publisher: Routledge

Pages: 43-62

Journal: Designing intersectional online education: Critical teaching and learning practices

Interrupted systems mitigating social gender roles: A qualitative inquiry of motherscholars during a pandemic

Volume: 6

Issue: 1

Pages: 153-177

Journal: American Journal of Qualitative Research,

Foundations of education for emergent bilinguals

The pedagogy and technology of distance learning for teacher education: The evolution of instructional processes and products.

Publisher: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Editors: L. Henrichsen

City: Alexandria, VA

Pages: 300

Journal: Case Studies in TESOL Practice: Distance Learning

Embracing my cultural, intellectual, and spiritual identities on

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Editors: Romo, J.J, Bradfield-Kreider, P. and Serrano, R.

City: Upper Saddle River, NJ

Pages: 70-84

Journal: Reclaiming democracy: Multicultural educators' journeys toward transformative teaching.

Reconceiving Faculty E-Readiness to Transition Courses Online: An Integrated Literature Review

Holistic multicultural education: Pedagogy for the 21st century

Publisher: Rowan and Littlefield Education Press

City: Lanham, Maryland

Pages: 204

Journal: Holistic multicultural education: Pedagogy for the 21st century

Referencing Race Through Religious Eyes: Focusing Teacher Reflectivity on Race, Culture, and Religious Beliefs

Volume: 36

Issue: 1

Pages: 56-71

Journal: The Journal of Religion and Education


Negotiating Cross Class Identities While Living a Curriculum of Moral Education

Volume: 114

Issue: 10

Pages: 36

Journal: Teachers College Record


Interrupted Systems Mitigating Social Gender Roles: A Qualitative Inquiry of Motherscholars During a Pandemic

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Country: USA

Volume: 6

Issue: 1

Journal: American Journal of Qualitative Research


Exploring the Contribution of Self-Study of Teacher Education Practice to the Conversation on Research on Teacher Education


Publisher: EquityPress

Editors: A. Cameron-Stenderfoed & B. Bergh


Journal: Textiles and Tapestries: Self-Study for Envisioning New Ways of Knowing

Online teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic: Theorizing the emotional work of teacher education practice in times of crisis and beyond

Publisher: Springer

Editors: Series Editor Julian Kitchen

Review of the book Leading the eLearning Transformation of Higher Education: Leadership Strategies for the Next Generation

URL: ID Number: 23639

URL: ID Number: 23639

Journal: Teachers College Record

Exploring the Contribution of Self-Study of Teacher Education Practice to the Conversation on Research on Teacher Education


Publisher: EdTech Books

Editors: C. U. Edge, A. Cameron-Standerford, & B. Bergh


Journal: Textiles and Tapestries Self-Study for Envisioning New Ways of Knowing


Foundations of Education for Emergent Bilinguals

Publisher: Ed Tech Books

A critical reconceptualization of faculty readiness for online teaching


Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Volume: 41

Issue: 3


Pages: 361-380

Journal: Distance Education


Effective writing content conferences in a sixth-grade classroom: A cross-case analysis

Volume: 56

Issue: 2

Pages: 114-131

Journal: Literacy Research and Instruction

Effective writing content conferences in a sixth grade classroom: A cross-case analysis

Volume: 71

Issue: 2

Pages: 114-131

Journal: Literacy Research and Instruction