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Kendra Maria  Hall-Kenyon

Kendra Maria Hall-Kenyon


Dean, School of Education


Dean's Office

Contact Information

Office: 301 MCKB

Phone: 801-422-4439


  • Nancy Peery Marriott Award for Scholarship — 2013
    • Sponsor: McKay School of Education
    • Three awards are given each year in the McKay School of Education. One award is given for teaching, one for mentoring and one for scholarship. Decisions about award winners are made by the Dean’s office.
  • Young Scholar Award — 2008
    • Sponsor: Brigham Young University

Social competencies and oral language development for young Latino children of immigrants


Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Country: USA

Volume: 26

Issue: 7


Pages: 933-955

Journal: Early Education and Development

Date: 2014


Informational discourse: Teaching the main course of schooling

Publisher: Pro-Ed

Editors: Teresa Ukrainetz

City: Austin, TX

Country: USA

Journal: School-age language intervention: Evidence-based practices

Date: 2013

Improving Young Children’s Writing: The Influence of Story Structure on Kindergartners’ Writing Complexity

Volume: 50

Issue: 4

Pages: 272-293

Journal: Literacy Research and Instruction

Date: 2010

Examining the impacts of systematic and engaging early literacy (SEEL): Attention to teacher practices and classroom effects across the kindergarten year

Volume: 30

Issue: 4

Journal: Journal of Research in Childhood Education

Chronic homelessness, Head Start, and changing federal policies: Teaching and learning at Hawthorne House

Journal: Urban Education

Building emergent comprehension through the use of informational texts

Publisher: Paul H. Brookes

Editors: A. DeBruin-Parecki, S. Gear, & A. van Kleeck

City: Baltimore, MD

Country: USA

Journal: Pre-Reader Comprehension: One of the Essential Building Blocks to Becoming a Successful Reader

Head Start and the intensification of teaching in early childhood education

Volume: 37

Issue: 1

Pages: 55-63

Journal: Teaching and Teacher Education

Preschool teacher well-being: A review of the literature

Volume: 42

Issue: 3

Pages: 153-162

Journal: Early Childhood Education Journal

Preschool teacher well-being: A review of the literature

Volume: 42

Issue: 3

Pages: 153-162

Journal: Early Childhood Education Journal

Systematic and Engaging Early Literacy

Publisher: Plural Publishing

City: San Diego, CA

Country: USA

Pages: 476

Journal: Systematic and Engaging Early Literacy

Head Start teacher well-being: Implications for policy and practice

Volume: 40

Issue: 6

Pages: 323-331

Journal: Early Childhood Education Journal

Defining teacher educator through the eyes of classroom teachers


Publisher: Auburn University

City: Auburn, Alabama

Country: USA

Volume: 33

Issue: 1


Pages: 1-12

Journal: The Professional Educator


How do linguistically diverse students fare in full and half-day kindergarten? Examining academic achievement, instructional quality, and attendance

Publisher: Routledge

Volume: 20

Issue: 1

Pages: 25-52

Journal: Early Education and Development