Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Office: 340L MCKB
Phone: 801-422-1408
Email: jared.morris@byu.edu
Dr. Jared Morris is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education at Brigham Young University. Jared completed his PhD in special education with a minor in educational psychology at The Pennsylvania State University. Jared is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (Doctoral Level; BCBA-D). He also completed a graduate certificate in applied behavior analysis at The Pennsylvania State University. He received a master’s degree in special education from The University of Utah, a bachelor’s degree in English from Brigham Young University and an associate degree from Utah Valley State College. Jared taught students with disabilities in various settings for five years.
Jared's teaching interests include:
- Special education Law
- Effective Teaching Strategies for Mild/Moderate Disabilities
- Teaching mathematics to students with disabilities
- Academic and Behavioral Problem Solving (Graduate Course)
- Mentored teaching experience (Practicum)
- Introduction to special education
- Social and behavioral strategies for students with severe disabilities
Jared's research interests include:
- Using Technology to improve academic, behavioral, and social outcomes for exceptional students.
- Instructional practices and interventions to increase academic engagement in students with Autism and students with learning disabilities.
- Systematic reviews and Meta-analysis.
- Using explicit instruction and technology, including video modeling, augmented reality, and virtual reality, to teach academic content to individuals with disabilities.
- Using principles of applied behavior analysis to increase teacher effectiveness.
- Special Education Law